Safety and Security

Safety-first concept plays an essential role in creating and maintaining a safe environment. The University of Kalba considers all university community members as partners in providing a safe and secure campus to pursue students' personal or professional goals. All students of the UKB are encouraged to be active in maintaining a safe and secure community. Any safety concerns should be reported to the Campus security or Dorm Supervisors. A safe and secure living community for residents is essential. Students are strongly urged to carry their keys at all times and keep the door locked when not in the room. Any action on the part of a resident that threatens the safety and security of another resident, or their property will result in disciplinary measures. Potentially dangerous activities might include, but are not limited to, providing, or allowing entry to non-residents or unauthorized individuals, propping locked doors, loaning keys, accessing student rooms other than one's own without permission, and/or taking another's property.

Safety and Security